Suggestions for Steve

Published by the Times-Georgian–October 12, 2014

by Joe Garrett


It’s tough being a columnist.

Every week before I write, I pour a cup of hot coffee, prop my feet on a stool and find a comfortable chair. If the temperature’s not right, I adjust the thermostat. Let’s just say I’ve never broken a sweat while writing one of these 600-word pieces.

OK. It’s not physically tiring at all, but often it’s mentally draining. And what does one do when he has so-called “Writer’s Block?” He calls Steve Davis, the Baptist preacher who pens a weekly Friday column for the Times-Georgian.

“I can’t think of anything to write about either,” Steve usually replies.

Somehow, someway—an idea just seems to fall out of the sky and a story appears.

As I sat at the Courthouse Cafe for breakfast one morning with Steve, we covered every topic from the latest Lindy’s Sports magazine (Steve’s brother is Lindy) to who has the best fried chicken in town (Big Chic). We even discussed if he would consider recommending his wife Sheri wear heavy makeup like Tammy Faye Bakker should he ever decide to televise the services at the First Baptist Church of Carrollton.

San Diego ChickenRecently, when I secured a future interview with one of professional baseball’s greatest mascots, I challenged Steve to track down the San Diego Chicken. A few weeks ago, I couldn’t find the Chicken anywhere when I was in southern California, not even at a Padres game. Little did I know my challenge to Steve would be revealed to a mass audience on the front page of Friday’s Faith and Values section.

“What am I supposed to do, interview Jimmy Swaggart or the Apostle Paul?” Steve argued. “Who would be my ‘home run’ interview about issues of faith and values?”

Those are tough questions, especially for a Sunday columnist like me who’s tackled such difficult subjects as the art of cooking fried okra, streaking on the campus at West Georgia and men’s chest hair.

Since Steve follows the path of Christianity and serves as a man-of-the-cloth, the easy answer would be to interview Jesus himself. But my guess is Steve’s going have to wait on that one.

So what’s left Steve? Do you showcase a preacher who proclaims God wants him to drive a Rolls Royce while the rest of congregation struggles to pay its monthly bills?

Perhaps, but I’m probably the world’s worst judge.

Instead of trying to waste energy on seeking the famous or modern-day Pharisees who seem to have it all together, just seek out those whom Jesus hung around. Yes, I‘m talking about the money changers, the broken and the everyday people who don’t have all the answers and are just trying to find their way in this world.

Consider the folks and the advice F. Scott Fitzgerald gives in the opening page of The Great Gatsby.

In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I’ve been turning over in my mind ever since. “Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone,” he told me, “just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.”

I don’t know what it’s like to be poor, hungry and so many of the difficulties present in our world. It’s often tempting to judge, but the reality is we never take the time to explore or understand the depths of pain or struggles so many endure. As I continue to carry the heavy burden of losing a child, I realize that unless you’ve been there, you can’t fathom what it’s like. All I can share is a glimpse of my journey.

So Steve, maybe we’ll never run out of stories to share because there are a lot of glimpses we can learn from others. Keep writing, my friend. And in case you’re wondering if I was actually serious about challenging you to track down the San Diego Chicken?

I was.


One Response

  1. Joe, I have never read an article of yours that I have been disappointed in yet! You are such an amazing guy to me in so many ways! I always enjoy our times we share and you have not made me rich yet but well on my way! Lol!! Thank you for the smiles that you put on many faces.

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