Flip out

Published by the Times-Georgian–February 12, 2022


by Joe Garrett

Batter up—the man was hungry.

For several days, he craved a giant flapjack swimming in butter and hot maple syrup, and he couldn’t wait any longer. That’s when he decided to make a brief stop at his favorite local breakfast joint on the way to work.

After placing his order, the man had no idea how long he would have to wait. He looked at his watch every five minutes, and after almost a half-hour later, the man grew impatient. Finally, he couldn’t wait any longer and that’s when he asked his server, “Excuse me Ma’am, I ordered a giant pancake almost 30 minutes ago, and still haven’t received my order. Will it be long?”

“Oh, no it won’t be,” she replied. “Your pancake won’t be long at all. It’ll be flat.”

The old jokes are the best, aren’t they? So, how about another one—

A mother was preparing pancakes for her sons, Oliver, age 5 and Ross, age 3. The boys began to argue who would get the first pancake. That’s when their mother recognized the opportunity to teach her sons a lesson.

“Boys, do you realize if Jesus was sitting at the table with you, what he would say to you?” the mother said.

“No,” they both replied at the same time.

“He would demonstrate how it’s important to put others before ourselves,” she said. “He would say, ‘Let my brother have the first pancake. I can wait.’”

That’s when Oliver looked at his little brother and said, “Ross, you be Jesus!”

OK. How about one more. Two pancakes are chatting about a third pancake.

“Wasn’t that pancake so annoying?” says the first one.

The second pancake answers, “Yeah, he was really boring. He just kept waffling!”

Once again, it’s time for the Golden K Pancake Breakfast. Since 1994, the local civic club has been cooking flap jacks to raise money to benefit our community. How much money? According the club, around $750,000 has been donated to local charities. That’s a lot of pancakes devoured, and it’s been a labor of love.

This year’s pancake breakfast will continue for the remaining Saturdays in February. The breakfast hours this year are 7:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. and will be held at the Ag Center. Tickets can be purchased for $8 each at the door.

It’s still, as the late Carol Martin once called it—“The social event of the year.”

“In addition to pancakes, we will also be serving eggs, biscuits, gravy, grits, sausage and of course, pancakes,” said Golden K club member Bob Uglum. “We are so fortunate so many of our sponsors and advertisers have been with us since the original breakfast 28 years ago. This year we have joined hands with our ‘Mother Club,’ the Friday noon Kiwanis Club to help make this the best breakfast event ever.”

Please come support this great even and eat as much as you like. By the way—how do you make a pancake smile?

You butter him up!

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